
The information contained on this website is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security or interest in any investment vehicle in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation would be in violation of any local laws. It does not constitute a recommendation or take into account the particular investment objectives, financial conditions, or needs of specific investors. Any projections, market outlooks or estimates contained in information on this website are forward-looking statements and there is no guarantee that any particular result will be achieved. Investment vehicles referenced on this website are only suitable for potential investors who are familiar with and willing to accept the illiquidity and high risk of loss associated with private placement investments. Private placements are not publicly traded and are intended for potential investors who do not have a need for a liquid investment. There can be no assurance that valuation is accurate or that a resale market for such securities may exist. A private placement investment requires high-risk tolerance, low liquidity concerns, and long-term capital commitments. Potential investors must be able to afford to lose their entire investment. Investments in private placements are not FDIC insured. Catalyst Fund Advisors, Inc., Creatis Capital LLC and its affiliates do not provide tax, accounting, or legal advice, and all investors are advised to consult with their tax, accounting, or legal advisers regarding any potential investment.